Q: When did you begin home brewing?
A: I began brewing in Aug. of 2010 during my brewing fundamentals course in FIU.
Q: Which beer brought you over to the craft beer side?
A: My first craft beer was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale but the beer that turned me into a craft beer man was DFH Aprihop.
Q: Which beer style is your specialty/favorite beer to brew?
A: My brewing specialty is IPA, as my brewing buddies have told me if they need a hoppy ale made they can count on me.
Q: If you were stranded on an island that had a mysterious way of keeping beverages cold and could only drink one beer what would it be?
A: I would take some Widmer Nelson

imperial Ipa
Q: Do you believe in any brewing superstitions or have any strange brewing tendencies?
A: My brewing superstitions begin and end with a whole lot of hops. The more the better.
Q: How do you feel about the South Florida beer scene?
A: The South Florida beer scene is in its infancy but I have faith that we will one day have brewing eyes upon us.
Q: Best Brewery/ Brew pub/ Beer bar you've visited.
A: Best Brewery brew pub would have to be Titanic Brew Pub by default. Bar would be Cervezas.
Q: What's the biggest mistake you've made while brewing?
A: Biggest brewing mistake was not taking sanitation as serious as it is.
Q: Any advice for new homebrewers?

A: Start brewing asap. Move up to all-grain right after.
Q: Favorite music to brew to?
A: I typically dont listen to music while brewing however some Jimmy Buffet would work.
Q: Other hobbies beside homebrewing?
A: I am an avid fisherman and I hold my own in the kitchen.
Q: If you could share a pint with someone past or present who would it be?
A: Dr. John Ewald Siebel
Q: What's on the "to-brew" list?
A: Dogfish Head Aprihop Clone with and without Apricots, Imperial Red.